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Non-fiction November: Week 3

It's Week 3 of Non-fiction November – Be The Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert (hosted by Julie @ JulzReads). The prompt has three ways to join in this week! You can either share three or more books on a single topic that you have read and can recommend (be the expert), you can put the call out for good nonfiction on a specific topic that you have been dying to read (ask the expert), or you can create your own list of books on a topic that you’d like to read (become the expert).

Hmmmm. I don't tend to read a specific topic when I read non-fiction. As long as it is narrative and a subject in which I have an interest, I'll usually give it a go. Looking back over my non-fiction reading though, I find I've read quite a few books about refugees:

A Hope More Powerful than the Sea
Tears of Salt
The Best We Could Do (graphic novel)

Tasting the Sky
Rolling Blackouts (graphic novel)
A Woman Among Warlords

 Mother Tongue
Across the Mekong River
First Kill Your Family
Mornings in Jenin
The Girl Who Smiled Beads
Across Many Mountains

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