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Sunday Salon: June 9, 2024


The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz.

  • No reading to report

Well, the week started out with a bang. We got up at 4:30am Monday to get my daughter to airport shuttle bus only to learn United had cancelled her flight. Ugh. We booked her for 24 hours later then she changed her mind and decided to fly the same day as me (Thursday). So, 3 extra days together!).

The week consisted of book group, a walk with friends, the UCSB History Department and Associates Awards ceremony (always good to give out money/fellowships!), a cliff-top walk with my daughter, and a couple nights of dance. My daughter and I flew to NY on Thursday (with both flights delayed about 1.5 hours) so that we can move her from one apartment to another on Saturday. Moving is exhausting. But, we capped the move off with dinner at Moosewood so that was fun.

I watched two good movies on the flight to NY: The Boys in the Boat (my review of book is here) and David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived. The second one is a documentary about the friendship between Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter) and David (his stunt double). They have a wonderful friendship and I enjoyed learning about the stunt scenes in the movies, their friendship, and how David has lived after his horrific accident on the set of Harry Potter (movie 7).

Here is is the current state of my 2024 challenges

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