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Sunday Salon: June 2, 2024


The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz.

My daughter leaves tomorrow, but I am flying to NY to help her move on Thursday (good bye foggy California, hello sweaty NY). It's been such a fun week with her and my brother in town.

Last Sunday's birthday party for my friend was really fun. We had a private concert by Glen Phillips (formerly of Toad the Wet Sprocket for those in my generation) and then danced to an awesome DJ for almost 2 hours. 

Tuesday we had a family birthday dinner for my mom. The food was delicious and there was lots of laughing.

I presented the Distinguished Alum Award mid-week. The speeches went well and our reception was really nice. For me, the best moment was right before we gave our speeches, Diana presented me with her final Commander's Coin to thank me for the work I had done to get her the award. I didn't know about Commander's Coins, but here's a little bit: Honoring someone with a commander’s coin is a way for senior leadership to show their appreciation for a phenomenal job on the spot. It is more than just a thank you or a pat on the back – it is something tangible to remember the moment by. It is part of a long and thoughtful military tradition. I was really touched that she chose to give me her last coin (she retired from the army as a 2-star general in October).

I saw this quote on Deb's (Readerbuzz) Sunday Salon and told her that it resonated with me.

Here is is the current state of my 2024 challenges

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