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Christmas traditions

Christmas is my favorite time of the year.

I love the lights, the good feelings, family and friends, the look of presents under a Christmas tree.

I love the smells of Christmas dinner as it fills the house even though I am a vegetarian (I am not one to turn down a plate of my mother's mashed potatoes, braised onions, and green beans)

I especially love Christmas morning when we do the same thing we've done since I was a kid: the "kids" bring the stockings to my parents' room (along with glasses of orange juice) and we open them as if we all still believe in Santa Clause. Next comes the presents under the tree with breaks for the Belgian waffles that mom and I make (dripping with melted butter and real maple syrup). Mid-day we always go for a walk on Butterfly Beach, about a half mile down the road from my house. We look in tide pools, sea glass, and shells.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday, no matter what you are celebrating. May you have time with family and friends, good food and good health, and wonderful books to keep you happy and cozy.


Darlyn said...

Hope you have a great Christmas!

Bonnie Jacobs said...

Wishing you books galore and fun stuff stuffed in stockings. Your tree is beautiful.

Florinda said...

That sounds like a wonderful way to spend Christmas Day, especially after the rainy week we've had. Have a very happy holiday!

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

Merry Christmas Helen!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Wishing you the best Christmas ever Helen.

Helen's Book Blog said...

Darlyn, Bonnie, Nicole, Diane--I hope you all had a wonderful holiday (whichever one you celebrate) with your families

Florinda--The rain in our area has been crazy. But as I sit here on Boxing Day the sun is coming out!