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Read-a-Thon Mini Challenge: Show Me the Books

This hour's mini-challenge is hosted by Crystal at My Reading Room. She wants us to show her our books. This can be a reading shelf, night stand, books for the Read-a-Thon, whatever. So, here's my TBR shelves. These are just the ones I own. Since I am a teacher librarian at a high school I also consider my school library as my REALLY BIG TBR shelves :-)


Pretentious Wombat said...

I'm looking forward to your comments and reviews of the books you read today. I'm sure I'll have lots of new titles to add to my must-read list! Happy reading. :-)

Tracee said...

Ohhh...love the shelf, I'm sure I could add a few of those to mine:) Happy reading!

Ellen said...

definitely zoomed in on that photo and drooled a bit over some of your TBR books. Hope you're having a great day & enjoying the chance for some focused reading!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Your shelves are beautiful. I love the idea that your real TBR is your library at school!

I'm a new follower.

Good luck with the readathon.

Paulina said...

Great photo! Good luck with the rest of the read-a-thon.

Helen's Book Blog said...

Pretentious--My dream is to actually finish a few books so I hope I get some reviews up. One down....

Tracee, Ellen, Paulina--Thank you for stopping by and enjoying my bookshelf. I do feel a bit as if they stare at me every day

Readerbuzz--I am so glad you've joined my blog. Thank you for visiting!