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Sunday Salon: Decmeber 17, 2023


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon. 

  • Nope. No reading here. 

Life continues at a quick clip around here. The weather has been good (low 70s) so my daughter is like a cat, following the sun on our patio. She is really relishing in the fact that she is not in Ithaca and checks the temperature there every couple of days to make herself feel even better about being here in So Cal. We've decorated the house (that's my tiny but mighty tree in the photo), began our shopping, and it's starting to feel a bit like the holidays.

Sunday we had dinner with my parents from a new-to-me Indian restaurant that was really yummy and Tuesday night I had the holiday dinner with my Alumni Association Board, which is always a fun event. In between, work has been insanely busy; I think our clients are trying to fit in as much training as possible before the end of the year!

Friday night we went to a fund raiser at the local Boys and Girls Club with my ex and his bother. It was a concert given by Kim Young who was the founder of the Fabulous Thunderbirds so we got to hear some great blues music. Yesterday we helped my parents choose and decorate their tree followed by an Italian meal out, which was lovely. Lots of talk of politics and literature, which is always fun. I am glad my daughter has a close relationship with my parents as I lived so far away from all my relatives, it's nice to see.

I have no bookish thoughts except that I am still not reading. Whenever I have down time, it's spent walking, talking, and doing stuff with my daughter. I am determined to get my end of the year post up and my Reading Challenge wrap up and 2024 posts as well.

Here is is the current state of my 2023 challenges


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