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Sunday Salon: August 12, 2018

My life in books: 
It's been a slightly slower reading two weeks because I had family in town and work has started. Also, 2 of the books were over 400 pages.

Challenges progress:
  • Big Book Summer Challenge--I have read 4 books longer than 400 pages this summer. 
  • Non-fiction--My goal is 20 books and I've read 34! 
  • Literary Voyage around the world--Read books set in as many countries as possible. I have read in 33 countries so far, and in the past two weeks added ... none.
  • Literary Escapes--Track the US states. I have read books set in 26 states so far and in the past weeks added Washington. 
  • Read all of the ALA YA Award Winners--I have already read 6 of these winners.
  • Motif Reading Challenge--The July motif was Travel so I did that with Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch and August is Award Winners so I counted Stephen King's The Outsider.
My life outside books:
I am back to work even though school doesn't start for a few more days. I've been working with teachers one-on-one and planning for the start of school professional development days. And I just found on Friday that I have to help full days every day this next week with iPad distribution. So, definitely busy.

We had a wonderful week with my brother and his family visiting from the UK. There was lots of hanging out, a yoga class, walks, and a sunset cruise along the coast on their last night.

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