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Sunday Salon: June 10, 2012

What's going on in my personal life:
What a week I've had, filled with both extreme lows and extreme highs. On Monday Naomi, a woman who has been like a second mom to me since I was 4 years old, died after complications from surgery. I still have not come to terms with her death. Yesterday afternoon we had her 4 "kids", their partners, and a few other close friends over to our house for a private memorial. It was all very draining, but also wonderful to be with people who have known one another so well for so long.

Then we had the end of school, my daughter's end of school party, and her graduation from 6th grade. What a fun day! The ceremony was lovely.

What's going on in my library at work:
School is out! Of course, I'll be back at work on Monday morning training people how to create websites using Google, but at least it's officially summer! Actually, my new job is now official for next year: I will be 1/3 Teacher Librarian (sharing the job with a very good friend of mine, which is fantastic) and 2/3 Technology Coach. I am really looking forward to the change.

What's going on with my reading:
I am on a bit of a non-fiction binge this week, which is a nice change from usual reading. And, we're having lots of fun re-watching the Harry Potter movies. Last night we began Deathly Hallows, Part I and we'll finish it today.

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