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Mini Review: Goodnight iPad

Title: Goodnight iPad
Author: Ann Droyd (do you like that? It's a pseudonym, obviously)
Year Published: 2012

Genre: Children fiction (but Amazon lists it as reading level 18 and up)
Pages: 20
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

FTC Disclosure: I received this as a gift from a colleague

We all know Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown, what a wonderful children's book! Yesterday a colleague came by my library and gave me this parody of that childhood favorite. To appreciate the gift you have to know that I am coordinating teacher iPad purchases and trainings at the school where I work.

This book is really fun. It takes the well-known story and adds in iPads, Mac Airbooks, HDTV, beeps, and swooshes. I don't know what else to say about it, except that I think it's great the old lady throws it all out the window in the end!

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