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Sunday Salon: October 23, 2011

Family and Life:
A nice fundraiser and silent/auction for Turn the Page Uganda on Saturday afternoon, watching my daughter perform the half-time at the community college football game Saturday night, and reading a bit for the Dewey 24-hour Read-a-Thon... that pretty much sums up my weekend.

Craziness at work. I spent Wednesday counting how many people use the library each period and why they are there. Actually, it ended up being quite informative (if not really boring). One period we had over 120 students in the library. My question is, why are some teachers sending students to the library (to print, to just finish a project, etc) in the middle of class anyway?! :-)

Books and Reading:
I signed up again to participate in the Dewey 24-Hour Read-a-Thon and, as usual, my day filled up. I posted earlier that I chose skinny books for Saturday so that I would feel like I actually finished a book or two, but it turns out I was busy from 9:00am to 8:00pm! So much for getting some reading done. But, I did manage to read Stuck in Neutral and to finish the Bossypants audio.

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