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Review: Start Something that Matters (Blake Mycoskie)

Title: Start Something that Matters
Author: Blake Mycoskie
Genre: Adult non-fiction
Pages: 185
Rating: 4 out of 5
Challenges: MUS Moms book group
FTC Disclosure: I bought this book with my own money
Summary (from the inside flap of the book): What matters most to you? Should you focus on earning a living, pursuing your passions, or devoting yourself to the causes that inspire you? The surprising truth is that you don't have to choose--and that you'll find more success if you don't. That's the breakthrough message of TOMS' One for One movement. You don't have to be rich give back and you don't have to retire to spend every day doing what you love. You can find profit, passion, and meaning all at once right now.

In Start Something that Matters, Blake Mycoskie tells the story of TOMS, one font e fastest-growing shoe companies in the world, and combines it with lessons learned from such innovative organizations as method, charity: water, FEED Projects, and TerraCycle. Blake presents the six simple keys for creating or transforming your own life and business, from discovering your core story to being resourceful to incorporating going into every aspect of your life. No matter what kind of change you're considering, State Something that Matters gives you the stories, ideas, and practical tips that can help you get started.

Review: Of course, I didn't read the inside flap before recommending this book to my MUS Moms book group, I was just excited at the idea of reading a book about a company and a man that are making a difference. Hey, today I even went and tried on a pair of classic TOMS shoes and a pair of high heeled wedges. The wedges were too high for me, but I am seriously considering the classics. Blake is right, the story makes a difference and it makes me want to buy a pair of his shoes.

The book covers the story of TOMS, their goals, how they work the company, and the impact they are making. However, it is also much more. In amongst the stories of his own company, Mycoskie discusses other entrepreneurs and businesses that have influenced him and the way he runs his company. Some of his biggest concepts are trust (within the company and with vendors and customers), facing fears when starting a company or venture, and keeping it simple.

While I am not starting up a company, I found this book really interesting. And the story of TOMS and all  the work they are doing is very impressive.

Geography Connection

(photo credit for the image of Blake giving out TOMS shoes)

Click to see my updated Google Map. A California book that impacts South America, pretty cool. Mycoskie began his company out of his Venice Beach, California apartment, just a couple hours down the coast from me.

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