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Sunday Salon: August 22, 2011

Family and Life:
The last week of summer has come to a close. And what a wonderful summer we had: 2 mini-vacations, lots of dancing, lots of reading, good TV (So You Think You Can Dance, Master Chef, and we finished all four seasons of Ugly Betty!), time with family, and more.

But the big neighborhood gossip is that the Kim Kardassian wedding was just a block away from us yesterday. Honestly, I don't give a hoot about her or the wedding except that it interrupted our lives. We had helicopters flying low over our house every day for the preceding five days and from 1:30 until dark Saturday and it was crazy in the neighborhood!

My daughter and I walked up and sat outside the wedding property and the country club where the guests parked before being shuttled to the wedding. We saw one of the New Jersey "house wives" and like to think we saw all the other guests as they went by in their tinted-window cars. Actually, Sugar Ray Leonard rolled down his window for all of us! 

Work begins tomorrow with three days of teacher in-services. I am running a technology session for my colleagues on both Tuesday and Wednesday, which, I hope, will go well. I had so much earlier this week creating a Fake Wall as an example for students to see. It works like Facebook, but no one can comment and students can show their understanding of a person and the era they lived in

Books and Reading:
My reading has slowed down, but not in a bad way, just in a "school is about to begin" way. I've added a new challenge: the Chris Crutcher Challenge. I like it since there is no time limit on it.

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