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Read-a-Thon (Perspectives mini-challenge) (original post 10/24/09)

The Challenge: 2 books that are told from a different perspective. One sentence summary of the plot and one sentence on why I liked it.

 However Tall the Mountain (by Awista Ayub) is non-fiction and told from the perspective of 8 teenage girls from Afghanistan. The book covers a couple years while the girls learn to play soccer and compete at the national level in their country while dealing with the Taliban and daily struggles in Kabul. I enjoyed this book precisely because it had a different perspective; we don't often hear from Afghani women.

Jay Asher's 
 Thirteen Reasons Why is a book I just finished last week and REALLY enjoyed! There are two narrators: a teenage boy (not so unusual) and a teenage girl who has recently committed suicide (definitely a different perspective). Hannah has left 7 cassette tapes telling about the incidences that led to her suicide and expects that the tapes will travel among the people she talks about on them. This book had me from the first page! It does a fabulous job of discussing a tough subject with respect, humor, seriousness, and care.

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