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Sunday Salon: February 26, 2023

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz hosts The Sunday Salon. 

Last Sunday afternoon I went to see a play called Selling Kabul, which was really good. It's about an Afghan translator who worked with the US, is in hiding from the Taliban, and is trying to escape. After the play, we had a former Afghan translator and his wife answer questions and they said the play was spot on.

My bookshelves are done! I love that this community appreciates a new set of bookshelves; I think they really warm up a room and I am so happy with them.

Yesterday I started my day out right with the monthly women's gathering. Usually we go for a walk, but due to the rain, we met at a local cafe. The group is a mixture of teachers, former teachers, and occasionally a student or two. A bunch of smart and interesting women!

Today the sun is out again so I'll go for a walk, host a talk by the UCSB History Associates on abortion legislation history, and have friends over for diner so a fun and full Sunday.

The image above is the books I had hoped to read in February. I didn't do so well at keeping to my stack this month, only reading 2 of these, but I did read 5 other books that weren't on my initial plan.

This image is the books I want to read in March (You'll notice some repeats) and I will also add a book group book. We'll see how that goes. Have you read any of these and what did you think?

Here is is the current state of my 2023 challenges. At this point, I am counting individual books for multiple categories in each challenge, but I'll replace them with other books throughout the year.

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