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Sunday Salon: November 1, 2020

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz runs The Sunday Salon. 

Books read over the past week:   

  • Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam
  • Hell and High Water by Keenan Powell (review will be posted tomorrow)
Challenge progress 2020
  • Big Summer Book Challenge--5 books total (completed)
  • Literary Escapes Challenge--28 states and 28 countries total
  • Mount TBR Challenge--73 books total
  • Popsugar reading challenge--37 books total
  • Social Justice Challenge--13 books total
  • YA Award Winners--9 books total

My life outside books:

Two more days! I can hardly stand it. I know we probably won't know the final results Tuesday night, but I really wish it could be clear by the time I go to bed on the west coast so that there aren't any nasty surprises in the following days.

My brother was supposed to come and visit us this coming week from the UK, but we've decided he shouldn't come for safety reasons. It's left us all feeling blue. It's been over a year since we've seen each other and we know it will be until there is a vaccine. I know there are many families who are separated and cannot see loved ones, but that doesn't make it any easier.

My mom is having back surgery later this month, which is scary even though I know it's something they do on a regular basis. She has to be in hospital for 4 to 5 days. She's in pain now when she walks for stands, so we really hope that, though surgery is tough, that she'll feel better on the other side of it all.

Boy, that all sounds depressing, but I am not feeling low. In fact, we have had absolutely lovely weather here and my parents and I took a restorative beach walk mid-week. We've been avoiding the beach due to the crowds, but it was low tide and it was easy to steer clear of other people. We all vowed to do this more often and will be watching for future low tides. Everyone says the photo of my dad and I shows how alike we look.

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