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Nonfiction November: Week 1 2019

Week 1 (October 28 to November 1)
My Year in Nonfiction So Far (Hosted by Julie at Julz Reads)
What was your favorite nonfiction read of the year?
I have three nonfiction books that I ranked as 5 out of 5 since January 1, 2019 and I can't decide which one is the winner so I am listing all 3:

Do you have a particular topic you’ve been attracted to more this year?
I don't have any one topic that I have read more of than others this year, but I have been reading quite a bit for work, which is all nonfiction. I tend to like narrative non-fiction more than dense histories or biographies.

What nonfiction book have you recommended the most?
Two of my 5 out of 5 books are the ones that I have recommended the most this year:

What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?
I like nonfiction November because it reminds me to read nonfiction since my go-to is fiction. 

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