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Review: The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

Title: The Name of the Star
Author: Maureen Johnson
Year Published: 2011

Genre: YA fiction (mystery)
Pages: 372
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Location (my 2015 Google Reading map)UK

FTC Disclosure: I borrowed this book from my school's library

Summary (from the back of the book): The day Louisiana teenager Rory Deveaux arrives London marks a memorable occasion. For Rory, it's the start of a new life at a London boarding school. But for many, this will be remembered as the day a series of brutal murders broke out across the city--gruesome crimes mimicking the horrific work of Jack the Ripper in the autumn of 1888.

Soon "Rippermania" takes hold of modern-day London, and the police are left with few leads and no witnesses. Except one. Rory spotted a man police believe to be the prime suspect. But she is the only one who saw him. Even her roommate, who was with her at the time, didn't notice the mysterious man. So why can only Rory see him? And more urgently, what is he planning to do about her?

Review: My office mate, Linda, recommended this book to me and I LOVED it! I think there is another one in the series so I am going to get it from my school library tomorrow and read it right away.

I loved the part about the American girl going to a British boarding school and settling in. When I was a kid I read Enid Blyton's Malory Towers series and wanted to go to a British boarding school (ironically, my niece now attends the school where Enid Blyton went). And now my daughter wants to attend a British boarding school for part of high school. I am making her read this book.

Once Rory is settled in at Wexton College, the Jack the Ripper portion of the book kicks into high gear. There are some gruesome points in the book, describing the original Jack the Ripper murders and the modern-day murders that take place. But, the surrounding story is so good! I can't really say anything about it without giving away the plot, but suffice it to say that I spent most of Mother's Day reading this book.

So, if you want a good mystery, check out this book and series.

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