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London: Day 2

It's day 2 in London and we're slowly adjusting to the time difference.  Yesterday we hit Oxford Street and took in the shops and today was a museum day with lots of walking! We went to the Victoria and Albert Museum where we saw an exhibit on architecture: 7 architects who designed small spaces within the museum exhibit rooms. One was made of trees and would be a wonderful reading spot!

The second museum was the Science Museum where my daughter and I played in the Launch Pad area: pulling levers, pushing buttons, doing experiments, etc. All very fun!


Suko said...

London! How lovely!

Athira said...

I so wish I could visit London sometime soon. Is this your first time there?

Helen's Book Blog said...

My parents are both Brits who immigrated to the US in the 1960s so I have been a lot of times. Growing up we came every other year to visit family and I've lived here twice for a year each time. Now, as an adult, I just love coming to Britain: seeing family, but also just enjoying the country.

Alyce said...

I hadn't realized you were in London until I read your comment on my blog. I feel like I'm out of the loop lately, but hopefully I'll catch up with everyone's posts soon. I hope the rest of your time in London is fabulous!

Helen's Book Blog said...

Alyce--Europe was fabulous (and how could it not be)! Talk about being out of touch; I feel like I kept clicking "mark as read" when I saw 200 posts to look at each day in my Google Reader!