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Friday Fun (a new weekly meme)

Friday Fun is a new feature/meme on this blog and I hope you and others pick up on it and do the meme on your own blog, passing it on to others throughout the blog-o-sphere. Here's the scoop:

Take some time on Fridays to blog about something non-book related (or semi-book related): family, movies, politics, religion, food, or an adventure you've had. Please link back to this post and leave a comment with a link so I can visit your Friday Fun entry!

Last Friday afternoon my daughter and I went out to see the movie "Blind Side" starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw. It's based on Michael Lewis' book Blind Side: evolution of a game. If you have not seen this movie, go, go, go! I cried, I laughed, I worried, I enjoyed. It fits into one of my favorite movie genres: feel good/sports/underdog (I'm sure that's not an official category, but you get the idea). It's like watching Hoosiers or Remember the Titans or Radio Days. You just feel good coming out of the theater and you find yourself thinking about it for days after.

We also made a gingerbread house, which didn't come out great. But, we had a good time going it!

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